— Terry Bazzett won a 2009 New England Book Show award from Bookbuilders of Boston (www.bbboston.org) for his college textbook, An Introduction to Behavior Genetics, published by Sinauer Associates.
— The sixth edition of Robert Christopherson's Elemental Geosystems (® 2010) will be published in February 2009.
— Matt Stevens, author of Managing a Construction Firm on Just 24 Hours a Day,
and a consultant with Stevens Construction Institute, has been hired to
run a program to help newly formed Minority Business Enterprise firms
understand the essentials of running a construction company. The
program, The Contractors Book Camp, is being funded by a Workforce ONE
Maryland project grant awarded to Associated Builders and Contractors
(ABC) for Base Realignment and Closure-related workforce development
efforts done at Ft. Meade, Maryland.
— Mary Kay Switzer.
Two original plays and a folk opera written by Mary Kay Switzer,
an associate professor of communication at California Polytechnical
State University in Pomona, California, will be performed by the
Cultural Alliance of the Pass Area Performing Artists in March, April,
and May. Kate DiCamillo has also agreed to allow Switzer to adapt
her Mercy Watson series for the stage. DiCamillo is the author of Winn Dixie.
— Mary Kay Switzer,
a professor of communication at California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona, was selected to develop a theatre arts initiative
in her county. She serves on the board of the Pass Area Performing
Artists, and directed the premiere performance of "Our Town" which got
rave reviews. She is also a member of the Cultural Alliance in her
county. Mary Kay has been a TAA member for 12 years, and served two
terms as TAA Council Secretary. She now serves as a TAA Council member.
— Clifton K. Meador, M.D.,
clinical professor of medicine at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine and
Meharry Medical College and director of the Meharry Vanderbilt
Alliance, recently published Symptoms of Unknown Origin, Vanderbilt University Press (2006) and Puzzling Symptoms, Cable Publishing (2008). He was also honored with the National Vanderbilt Alumni Achievement Award for 2008.
— A. Jane Birch, Brigham Young University, and Tara Gray,
New Mexico State University, will be presenting two sessions at the
Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD Network)
Conference, October 22-25 in Reno, Nevada. "Ten Ways to Let Your
Database Do Your Work For You", will demonstrate the ten ways a
database can be used by faculty developers -- and will help
participants identify and clarify the data needs and solutions of their
own centers. "Facilitating Scholarly Writing Circles That Work," will
present proven strategies that help scholars improve their writing and
increase their productivity by a factor of four. Click for more
— Andrew Johnson (North Mankato, MN) recently published an article in Gifted Child Today (2008, 31, 41-29) entitled, "Internet Strategies for gifted students." His latest book, Teaching and writing: Research-based strategies for teachers, tutors, parents, and paraprofessionals,
Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, will be out in September 2009.
He is also under contract to write a second edition of his social
studies textbook, Making connections in elementary and middle school social studies, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sages.
— Guesna Dohrman, a professor of mathematics at
Tallahassee Community College, recently started a non-profit organization
called SOMETHINGPOSITIVE. Based in Tampa, Florida, it's mission
is to encourage and promote physical activity for people with
MS in the Tallahassee and Tampa, Florida areas.
— William Koenecke received tenure from the Murray State
Univeristy Board of Regents on Friday, May 16, 2008. He has also
signed a contract with Kendall Hunt for a book to be published
in December 2008. It has the working title: "Improving the
Writing Skills of Tomorrow's Teacher."
— Jean A. Lukesh received her doctorate in education
(Ed.D.) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on May 9, 2008.
Lukesh is the author of the award-winning history textbook, The
Nebraska Adventure.
— Judith Haynes retired from Linfield College at the
end of fall semester 2007, and started her own business, Haylo
Education Solutions, LLC (http://www.hayloes.com)
in January 2008. Haylo assists students and teachers with their
education issues. They help teachers catch up with the twenty-first
century by modifying or preparing their curriculum to be presented
on-line in an inter-active, easy to use format. They also help
people who teach or make presentations as part of their work,
but haven't been trained in teaching techniques. Consultations
are done on-line or in person, in classroom or workshop settings,
or on a one-to-one basis.
— TAA Executive Director Richard Hull published the second
edition of Ethical Issues in the New Reproductive Technologies by
Prometheus Books in 2005, as a revised, updated, and expanded
version of the first edition, published in 1990 by Wadsworth.
An electronic edition of the book, self-published by Hull, is
available through his website, http://www.richard-t-hull.com.
Hull also
published an article in Free Inquiry (vol 28, nos 2&3), entitled,
"Can We Survive? The Changes Required to Deal Effectively With
Global Warming," with co-authors Stephen Paley and George K. Oister.
He is also completing, with coauthors Paley and Oister, an academic
version of the two-part article, that will appear in a volume
edited by Paul Kries and Randall Osborne, Global Community,
Global Security, which will be published in 2008 by Editions
— Matt Stevens was interviewed by the journal of the
Design-Build Institute of America, Design-Build Dateline,
about his book, Managing a Construction Firm on Just 24 Hours
a Day. Read the interview: Click
— Jerry D. Wilson, the author of nine physics or
physical science textbooks, recently published a trade book, Best of the Curiosity Corner, a compilation articles
from newspaper columns he wrote for 26 years. Visit the book's
website: Click
— TAA member Kimberly Davies recently published
her first textbook, "The Murder Book: Examining Homicide," with
Prentice Hall.
— At the Hollywood Book Festival 2007, TAA member Helen
Gordon earned an award for best book in the category of historical
fiction for her novel, Voice of the Vanquished: The Story of
the Slave Marina and Hernan Cortes. The contest was judged
on the basis of the author's story-telling ability plus the potential
for the novel to translate into other media such as a movie or
television series.
for more |
want to hear from you!
you published a new book? Revised an existing one? Published a
journal article? Changed jobs? Share your news with fellow TAA
members in The Academic Author's Busy People section. Click
here to share your news using our secure online form. |

Member Profile Archive
Featured Member Christy Keeler:
Blogging keeps author on track to write regularly
By Kim Seidel

Christy Keeler |
Keeler, a pedagogy scholar/consultant for the Teaching American History
Grant for Las Vegas's Clark County School District, uses a blog to
motivate herself to write and as a means of personal accountability.
goal is to blog every time I write for a peer-reviewed publication,”
she said. “Though I sometimes get lazy, and don’t log my time and
progress, such as over the summer when I was writing infrequently, I’m
usually pretty good about blogging during each writing session.”
also has several other blogs that she uses to support her teaching. She
taught for two years as a visiting professor at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). She’s now considered a part-time instructor
at UNLV, because of her work with the Teaching American History Grant.
a pedagogy scholar/consultant at UNLV, Keeler teaches 50 third- through
fifth-grade teachers in five-week modules six times each year. “The
modules couple pedagogy and history, and I work with two historians who
teach the history content while I teach the pedagogy,” she said.
her teaching and family responsibilities – Keeler and her husband have
two young sons – blogging is a way to organize her professional and
personal writing life. The path that led her to blogging her writing
efforts started about two years ago, when UNLV offered its faculty the
ability to attend a workshop presented by Tara Gray, entitled “Publish and Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar" (this workshop is co-sponsored by TAA).
was fantastic; we were all motivated to write and broke into writing
groups following the training,” she said. “My group lasted for over a
year, and we were very supportive of one another.”
discovered, however, that even with the writing group, she still became
complacent about her writing. She would fail, for instance, to bring
writing samples to the weekly meetings. “My group didn’t hold me as
accountable as I needed to be, so I knew I needed a different
motivational method,” she said. “At about that time, I was beginning to
experiment with blogs for use in my classes, and I thought that a blog
might provide a means of personal accountability.”
of the main benefits of blogging are that it's easy and fast, said
Keeler. “Though I am keeping the blog for myself, it also increases my
feeling of accountability, because I know anyone can look at it and
judge my dedication to my writing efforts," she said. "Therefore, I
feel guilty when I know I haven’t written in awhile.”
always blogs about where she is in the process of a given project.
“This enables me to review where I left off on the previous writing
session so I can pick up there, instead of having to review the entire
document on which I’m working,” she said. “Also, it’s been great for me
to go back and recall who I’ve contacted regarding a paper, which
journals have rejected articles, which journals are reviewing articles
and other progress.”
During Gray's
workshop, she stressed the importance of writing religiously for 15
minutes every day, said Keeler, but that was the one piece of advice
she hasn't followed. “Given my life as a wife and mother first, and a
scholar second, this never works for me,” she said. “I am much better
at writing in spurts – usually right before a project is due. My goal
is to write as often as I can. My blog has proven that the more often I
write, the more often I have articles published."
Keeler said she would like to have an “accountability partner", in
which each author would blog and use RSS to review each other’s blogs.
That way, they could check up on each other several times a week. “We
could also leave encouraging notes for one another as comments in our
blogs,” she said.
A blog also could
work well for collaborators on a writing project, she said: “If each of
the collaborators logged their work on the project each time they
contributed, there would be a nice accounting of the progress made and
the next steps to take. There are other online applications such as
Google Docs and spreadsheets that allow collaborators to work jointly
on writing projects, but blogs provide a nice accounting of progress.
The blog entries can automatically and immediately be downloaded to all
group members’ computers as soon as comments are posted.”
are easy to create, and very easy to use, Keeler said. She believes so
strongly in the value of blogging that she’s created videos about it.
They can be accessed by downloading iTunes and subscribing to the
“Keeler’s Training Videos” podcast or by visiting http://keelertrainingvideos.blogspot.com.
She suggests the following episodes, “Using, Posting and Commenting in
Blogs,” “Introduction to Blogger” and “Procuring a Blogger Account.”
know how to subscribe to a podcast? Keeler recommends the online video
“iTunes Basics,” which can be found on one of her websites: Click here. This video is also available via the "Keeler's Training Videos" podcast.

has kept herself accountable to her writing by a Microsoft Word
document detailing parts and due dates for each project in her office,
among other ways.
View PDF example |
Along with blogging, other ways Keeler has kept herself accountable to her writing are by using Academic Ladder,
which provides online academic writing coaching; a writing board in her
office; a Microsoft Word document detailing parts and due dates for
each project in her office; and logging her writing times on her
handheld computer/phone.
Keeler used
Academic Ladder for one month, and experienced an incredibly productive
month. “It was very motivating, because I knew that I had paid for the
service, and I wanted to make sure I hadn’t wasted the money,” she
said. “It’s also very rewarding to mark a little checkbox each day
after you write.”
Someday, Keeler
said she’d like to see something similar to Academic Ladder that could
be used by academic advisors. This could be a great resource for
dissertation advisors to help keep their students on task. It also
could provide advisors with readily available information about the
progress of their students. “That way, there would be accountability
online as well as in the face-to-face environment."
writing board is a tool Keeler learned about several years ago while
attending the American Educational Researcher Association (AERA) Annual
Meeting. The idea is to keep a board listing all of your projects and
moving the projects across the board as they progress from conception
to publication.

writing board is a tool Keeler learned about several years ago while
attending the American Educational Researcher Association (AERA) Annual
Meeting. The idea is to keep a board listing all of your projects and
moving the projects across the board as they progress from conception
to publication. |
only is this a visual reminder of current projects – and a constant
reminder of those projects hiding in the shadows of your file drawer –
but it helps organize projects so you always have some in various
stages of the writing process,” she said. “The AERA presenter said that
it is important for a healthy writer to always have projects in
different stages, so that there is no dead time in between projects.”
benefit to these tools from Keeler’s life is that if she has a research
project stuck in an Institutional Review Board (IRB) review process or
is under review with a journal, she can work on another project listed
on her writing board. “The result is that I should have a regular
schedule for rolling out new articles,” she said. “This is especially
good if one is expected to produce peer-reviewed articles every year.”
create her writing board, she used a white board and Sharpies to devise
the sections. She then printed out all of her writing projects on
bright paper and placed a magnet on the back of the page. She cut out
each article and placed the project titles into the correct section.
“This sits right next to my desk so it’s like a weight around my neck
if nothing’s moved lately,” she said. Keeler also has a similar
document she maintains simultaneously in a Word document on her
computer. She can share this with potential employers and also record
anticipated completion dates for each aspect of each writing project.
are simple and inexpensive programs that allow individuals to log their
time spent on given tasks throughout the day,” said Keeler, who uses
SDS Time to calculate the amount of time she spends each week on her
writing. The program allows her to download the data and review it over
a period of time. Keeler may find, for example, that during a four-week
period, she only dedicated 10 percent of her work time to writing.
she’s not blogging, she loves to spend time with her family and she
loves to teach. She lives in Las Vegas with her husband, Mike, and
their children, Ryan and Spencer. “We love to spend time as a family,
especially traveling,” she said. “In my spare time, I like to work. I
enjoy teaching and helping teachers become even better at their craft.
I am very rewarded by creating resources that others can use to improve
their instructional delivery.”
Her passion for helping teachers is why she offers a large number of free online resources (http://christykeeler.com).
“I also enjoy learning and presenting at conferences,” Keeler said. “I
know this sounds funny because most people do these things for their
‘work.’ For me, my family is my work, and my hobby is my profession.”
Some examples of Keeler's blogs:
• Little House Teacher's Guides.
Keeler worked with her students to help them create teacher's guides to
accompany children's literature relating to 1800s U.S. exploration: http://littlehouseteachersguides.blogspot.com
• Keeler's Training Videos. A blog of screencast videos on how to use technologies: http://keelertrainingvideos.blogspot.com
• Las Vegas Education Events. A list of trainings and options available for teachers in Southern Nevada: http://vegaseducation.blogspot.com
• The 1930s and Arts Education. A blog on one of the courses Keeler teaches: http://tah-1930s.blogspot.com
• Educational Virtual Museums Developed Using Power Point and Audio Digital Storytelling. A blog on training others on techniques she teaches in her classes: http://educationalvirtualmuseums.blogspot.com and http://audiodigitalstorytelling.blogspot.com
• Keeler Thoughts and Conference Notes. A blog Keeler keeps for professional and personal use: http://keelerthoughts.blogspot.com.
“In it, I blog all my conference notes and general ideas or information
I wish to keep,” she said. “For example, I attended a weeklong training
on the We the People curriculum. During the training, I maintained a
detailed list of resources and notes that others at the training may
use for future reference. See the blog postings ending on August 5,
2007." |
Kim Seidel is
a freelance writer based in Onalaska, Wis.
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