Social Studies and Literacy Resources


I taught a module on social studies and literacy so have resources (including lecture slides) on both reading and writing as it relates to social studies. Many of these resources are available on the Teaching American History blog for that module.


My lecture slides for that class are available here:

"Teaching Reading through Historical Children's Books"

"Teaching Writing through Historical Children's Books"


Booklists for Specific Historical Eras in America


Native Americans

Colonial America

American Revolution


Civil War

Westward Migration

Immigration (1890s)

Civil Rights

The 1930s

Nevada and The West


I recommend these contemporary books, many of which have highly relevant social themes.


Book-Specific Resources


For each, check out the "Chapter Guides." Each guide includes cross-curricular, social studies-based activities and historical overviews for each particular chapter in the book. They're quite comprehensive.


Patty Reed's Doll

Little House Books (This site gets A LOT of hits and has chapter guides for Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, and The Long Winter.)

Sallie Fox

Various books on the theme of Exploration (including Conestoga Wagons, America at the Time of Lewis and Clark, The Coast Mappers, Dakota Dugout, Daily Life in a Covered Wagon, Sarah, Plain and Tall, several Discovery magazine issues—Lewis and Clark and Pioneers, If You Were a Pioneer on the Prairie, Apples to Oregon, If You Traveled in a Covered Wagon, Lewis and Clark on the Trail of Discovery, Seaman's Journal, Sacajawea, You Wouldn't Want to Grow Up in a Wild West Town) [Note that several of these guides have more than one related website.]

Flat Stanley



© 2012, Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

Contact Dr. Keeler.