G. Keeler, Ph.D.
After working as a visiting professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Dr. Keeler
served as an independent pedagogy
scholar for several grants. She published in fields such as
educational technology, instructional design, and social studies education.
Dr. Keeler's academic vitae is available online and her academic work is available at
Now retired, Dr. Keeler is an active world adventurer and recreational athlete.
She's completed ten Ironman events and treks world-reknown hiking trails. You can regularly find her running
marathons (e.g., NYC and Chicago), cycling centuries (100 mile excursions), or hiking the Grand Canyon. Some of her hiking accolades include solo hiking the John Muir Trail, summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro, completing the Patagonia "O," and covering 1000 km across Spain while earning her compestella on el Camino de Santiago. Her trail journals are available here.