Five separate code types appear below. The first was developed by Jerome Burg and serves as an excellent model for students who are creating cover pages for Google Lit Trips. The second and third and useful when students are developing Lit Trips. The first includes two columns and is useful when including a picture; the second has only one column and is useful when including a video. The fourth and fifth sets provide guides for teachers developing Google Lit Trips. Both include sections for teachers to add additional content information, instructional activities, vocabulary words, and  additional resource links. The first Recommended Teacher Code includes a table and will give the appearance of two columns with a graphic on the left-side and discussion questions on the right. The second Recommended Teacher Code does not include a table so may be a better choice if the placemark description includes video or audio content instead of a basic image. Feel free to make changes to these codes and please contact Dr. Keeler if you find any errors. In addition to visiting Dr. Burg's official Google Lit Trips site, you may find a video for using the below code as well as other resources at the site I developed for use with teachers in the Teaching American History Grant module titled Slavery/Integrated Social Studies.

Before getting started, prepare your content. For the teacher placemarkers, you will need the following information for each placemark:

•  Location for placemark
•  URL of the image you wish to use for the placemark OR the embed code for your video
•  A caption for the image or video
•  1-2 sentences about this placemark (NOT a summary of the book section)
•  At least 2 discussion starters/higher order questions
•  At least 3 related vocabulary words
•  URLs for where students can learn more information about each vocabulary word (e.g., linked to the word within
•  A suggested activity that requires use of grade-appropriate math standards
•  A suggested activity that requires use of grade-appropriate science standards
•  A detailed description of a historical topic related to the book section or placemark (this should be researched)
•  URLs for two useful additional resources and titles for these resources

To use the code:

1. Delete any text appearing blue.
2. Replace red text with your own content.
3. Copy all the code.
4. Paste the code into the “Get Info” box of your placemark in Google Earth.

Recommended Cover Page Code
Prepared by Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

Below, you will find recommended code for developing a "cover page" for a Google Lit Trip. Begin my creating a folder in Google Earth and naming it the title of the book. Next, delete the items in blue that you find below this text and replace all red text with information relating to your book (Note: You may wish to do this in a word processing program such as TextEdit). Finally, copy the code and place it into the body of your book folder's description (under "Get Info").

Before getting started, prepare your content. You will need:
•  Book Title/Book Section
•  Author
•  Illustrator
•  URL for the book's cover image
•  URL for where to purchase the book (e.g., Amazon link to the actual book)
•  A brief (about 3-4 sentence) overview of your book/book section
•  URL for the author's homepage (if there is one)

The Code:

Author: Type in the Name
Illustrator: Type in the Name
<img src="URL of Book Cover’s Image" width=250><br>
<p style="text-align: center;">
<a href="Link to the Book on Amazon (or some other bookseller’s webpage)">Book Source</TD></p>

<TD>Give a description of the book in prose format.
Read more about the author, <a href="Paste in the URL for the author’s homepage">Type in the Author’s name</a>. [Note: You can delete this section if the author does not have a web presence.]


<center>Developed [Note: Delete from this section to the next marked section  if you are not in the Teaching American History Grant.] as part of a <a href="http://ccsd/net">Clark County School District</a><BR>
Teaching American History Grant<p>[End deleted section for those not in the Teaching  American History Grant.]

by <a href="mailto:Your Email Address">Type Your Name </a></center> [Note: You can delete this last line if you worked collaboratively, or add both names. If you would prefer to not share your email address, delete the --a href-- and --/a-- tags.]

Recommended Student Code: Picture
Prepared by
Jerome Burg, Founder of Google Lit Trips

<img width=300 img src="image website address">

Type a caption here.
<a href=”Paste the address for the website where you found the picture”>Image Source</a>

Type 1-2 sentences about your placemark here.

<B>Thinking about the Story…</B>

<LI>Type a discussion starter here.</LI>
<LI>Type a discussion starter here.</LI>

<B>For more information visit these websites:</B>
<a href="Paste a website address for a website for additional information here">Type the name of this website</a><BR>
<a href="Paste a website address for a website for additional information here">Type the name of this website</a>

Recommended Student Code: Video
Prepared by Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

Type a caption here.
Type 1-2 sentence about your placemark here.

<p style="text-align: center;">

[Copy and paste the embed code here or use <LI><a href="URL for the Video Title"</a> </LI>]

Title for the Audio or Video
<a href="URL of the source of the video">Video Source</a></p>
[If you are including a video from Discovery, point the a href tag to and where it says “Photo Source,” copy/paste the citation from the citations tab.]

<B>Thinking about the Story…</B>

<LI>Type a discussion starter here.</LI>
<LI>Type a discussion starter here.</LI>

<B>For more information visit these websites:</B>
<a href="Paste a website address for a website for additional information here">Type the name of this website</a><BR>
<a href="Paste a website address for a website for additional information here">Type the name of this website</a>

Recommended Teacher Code (with a table)
Prepared by Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

Note: This code includes a two-column table.

Introduction to book section or placemark.

<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding="6"><TR valign="TOP"><TD><font size="4">

<p style="text-align: center;">
<img src="URL for the picture" width=250>
Title for Picture
<a href="URL of the source of the photo or audio">Photo Source</a></p><BR><BR>

<TD><b>Thinking about the Story...</b>
<LI>Question 1</LI>
<LI>Question 2</LI>
<LI>Question 3</LI>
 </font></TD></TABLE></TR valign="TOP"></TD>

<b>Vocabulary Terms</b>
<LI><a href="URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 1</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 2</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 3</a> </LI>

<b>Teacher’s Guide</b>

<b>Suggested Related Instructional Activities</b>
<LI>Math: Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>
<LI>Science: Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>
<LI>Other Activity (e.g., Civics, Geography, Economics, Language Arts): Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>

<b>Historical Overview</b>
Paste your historical overview here.

<b>Links to Additional Resources</b>
<LI><a href="URL for the resource">Link 1 Title</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="URL for the resource">Link 2 Title</a> </LI>

<B>This placemark prepared by <a href="mailto:Your Email Address">Type Your Name</a> </B>

Recommended Teacher Code (without a table)
Prepared by Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

Introduction to book section or placemark.

<p style="text-align: center;">
[Copy and paste the embed code here or use <LI><a href="URL for the resource">Resource Title</a> </LI>]
Title for the Audio or Video
<a href="URL of the source of the photo or audio">Photo Source</a></p>
[If you are including a video from Discovery, point the a href tag to and where it says “Photo Source,” copy/paste the citation from the citations tab.]

<b>Thinking about the Story…</b>
<LI>Question 1</LI>
<LI>Question 2</LI>
<LI>Question 3</LI>

<b>Vocabulary Terms</b>
<LI><a href="URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 1</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="
URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 2</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="
URL for the vocabulary word">Vocabulary word 3</a> </LI>

<b>Teacher’s Guide</b>

<b>Suggested Related Instructional Activities</b>
<LI>Math: Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>
<LI>Science: Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>
<LI>Other (e.g., Civics, Geography, Economics, Language Arts): Type in activity description and instructions.</LI>

<b>Historical Overview</b>
Paste your historical overview here.

<b>Links to Additional Resources</b>
<LI><a href="URL for the resource">Link 1 Title</a> </LI>
<LI><a href="URL for the resource">Link 2 Title</a> </LI>

<B>This placemark prepared by <a href="mailto:Your Email Address"> Type Your Name </a> </B>

©2011 Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.